Advertising Sales

2019 Advertising Rates

Rates are per insertion. Canadian dollars. GST/HST extra (for Canadian advertisers).

Deadlines / Schedule / Readership

  •  Ad material deadline: 6 – 10 days prior to publication.
  •  Regular sign-off deadline: at least six days prior to publication.
  •  Four-colour or some two-colour ads may require more lead time.
  •  Thompson’s weekly is published 42 times per year on Mondays from the week after Labour Day until the second week in July, excluding the weeks during the winter holiday season (no issues Dec. 25 or Jan. 1, 2018).
  •  Thompson’s paid circulation for our weekly edition is approx. 2,000 per week. Readership estimated at 10,000 every week. Distribution recipients include senior company executives of almost EVERY p&c company in Canada plus brokers, adjusters, regulators, lawyers and service providers from every province in Canada.


  • We will compose simple ads at no additional cost.
  • Digital material accepted in high res. .pdf, .doc and some other formats.
  • Photos accepted in several digital formats.
  • Original photo pre-production preparation = $50 additional charge.
  • Most sizes available (ad doesn’t have to match suggested formats above).
  • Full-page trim size: 8.5” x 11” with 0.125” bleed on four sides.
  • Two-page maximum bleed size: 17″w x 11″ h with 0.125” bleed.
  • Film ads: emulsion down high-resolution 133-line screen.

Contact / Delivery info

Phone: 519-579-2500  e-mail:

Forward ad materials via e-mail info above or send to:

P.O. BOX 1027, Waterloo, ON N2J 4S1
Please indicate return address information for invoicing when ordering.